Sunday 14 July 2013

Infinite Story Chapter 1 :)

So this is where everything starts. I apologize if the story is exceedingly cheesy, but I have a secret obsession with cheesiness. I wanna tell you that the story may be dragged real long but like I wanna make it real long. If you do not appreciate the characters, just fill in the names of the characters with your biases!  Kay, on to the story.

10:00. It's art class right now, and I'm sketching proportion. The model is  from the dance section and I end up like the girl in playful kiss, sketching myungsoo's body. His squinty eyes, flawless skin and photogenic face. Absolute perfection.  "Soo Mi lets see- wait, what is this?" Says Mrs S. I look down onto my sketchbook, and to my surprise, Myungsoo's dreamy face stares I right back at me. " This isn't the first time you've been daydreaming about infinite" Mrs. S says annoyingly. "I'll have to all to your parents if this happens again. The class chuckles and I slide further down my seat. The bell rings and I quickly pack up my things. Mrs. S motions for me. I walk to her desk and she tells me. " We will be having an exchange program next month. I was wondering if you would like to go over to Star Academy in Korea as a participant. Omg, I thought to myself. Star Academy was where all the cool stars went to for high school and university! Snsd, Shinee, BAP, btob, and most importantly, Infinite went there, and that was only a few stars! Star Academy was so elite and now I was getting a free chance to go there! " I know you love kpop so I thought it would be nice to let you go. Just sign the form and bring one friend." I hurriedly grab the forms and I rush to the next class, excited until class ends. 

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